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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1999;18(3): 199-205.
Intraoperative Neuro sonography: The Usefulness of US and Role of Color Doppler Imaging.
Seong Ku Woo, Sung Moon Lee, Cheol Ho Sohn
Department of Diagnositc Radiology, Keimyung University School of Medicine, Korea.
  Published online: January 1, 2001.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the usefulness of intraoperative neurosonography and role of color Doppler imaging. MATERIALS and METHODS:We performed intraoperative ultrasonography in 29 patients with intracranial and spinal cord lesion. According to diseases and location of lesions, we used a variety of types of transducer : 5 M H z , 7MHz, 10-5MHz linear transducer, 5MHz sector transducer and 7-5MHz multihertz convex transducer. We evaluated size, depth and localization of the lesion, characterization of the lesion, and relationship to the adjacent structures, and the guided the catheter direction during a shunt operation. We performed color Doppler study in five cases, and analyzed vascularity of the mass. RESULTS: Localization of the lesion was successful in all 23 requested cases. Localization with characterization of the lesion was done in two cases. We guided catheter placement for shunt surgery in four cases which were all successful. Among five cases studied with color Doppler imaging, there was abundant tumor vascularity within the masses and clear identification of associated syrinx from tumor vessels in one case of spinal cord heman-gioblastoma, but there were no demonstrable vascularity in the other four cases , except the displacement of adjacent arteries. CONCLUSION: Intraoperative neurosonography is a very useful modality in the evaluation of location, size, depth and characteristics of the lesion and monitoring during surg e r y. We consider high-resolution ultrasonography is necessary for more detailed information, and color Doppler imaging will provide useful information about mass vascularity.
Keywords: Brain US; Spinal cord US
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