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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1999;18(2): 87-89.
Ultrasound in the Diagnosis of Gallstone Ileus: A Case Report.
Jong Hwa Lee, Hyeon Kyeong Lee, Chae Kyeong Lee, Sung Woo Lee, Jun Hee Lee
1Department of Dianostic Radiology, Dongguk University College of Medicine.
2Department of of General Surgery, Dongguk University College of Medicine.
  Published online: January 1, 2001.
Gallstone ileus is a relatively uncommon complication of gallbladder stone. It accompanies the fistula from gall-bladder to small intestine, usually to duodenum with the mechanical obstruction of small bowel. The stone is most commonly located in the distal ileum. Its diagnosis can be made when the stone is detected in the obstructed bowellumen by ultrasound. Here we report one case of gallstone ileus diagnosed by ultrasound and confirmed surgically.
Keywords: Gallbladder calculi; Gallbladder US
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