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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1999;18(1): 59-64.
Sonographic Diagnosis of the Contralateral Ovary in Patients with Ova rian Tumor.
Eun Ju Lee, Jin Young Jung, Chang Ho Lee, Jung Ho Suh
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Ajou University, School of Medicine.
  Published online: January 1, 2001.
PURPOSE: To assess the usefulness of transvaginal sonography(TVS) in the detection of normal contralateral ovary and disease involvement of contralateral ovary in the patients with ovarian tumor. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We compared sonographic findings with histopathologic findings of the contralateral ovary retrospectively in 87 patients, who underwent preoperative ultrasonography and laparotomy for ovarian tumor for recent 4 years. RESULTS: Abnormality of the contralateral ovary was confirmed in 49 (56.3%) of 87 patients. The pathologic diagnoses of contralateral ovarian lesions were bilateral involvement of the same disease in 39 patients, different tumor in four patients and non-tumorous lesion in six patients. Abnormal TVS findings of the contralateral ovary were detected in 34 of 49 patients, which shows diagnostic accuracy of 82.8%. The sensitivity and specificity were 69.4% and 100%, respectively. 15 cases which were not diagnosed by ultrasound were bilateral involvement of the same disease in 10 cases (1 serous cystadenoma, 2 cystadenocarcinoma with low malignant potential, 1 brenner tumor, 1 metastatic endometrioid cancer, 1metastasis, 4 teratoma) and different lesions in the remaining 5 patients (2 endosalpingiosis, 1 surface inclusion cyst, 2 tuboovarian cyst). CONCLUSION: Ultrasound of the contralateral ovary in the patients with ovarian tumor shows low to a moderate degree sensitivity and accuracy. So, more intensive and targeted evaluation of contralateral ovary is needed for the more accurate diagnosis and proper treatment.
Keywords: Ovary US; Ovary neoplasms
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