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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1999;18(1): 53-57.
Prenatal and Postnatal Sonographic Findings of Uncomplicated Ovarian Cysts : 'Daughter Cyst'Sign.
Chang Soo Rhee, Mi Jeong Kim, Jin Hee Lee, Hun Kim, Hee Jung Lee, Chul Ho Shon, Sung Moon Lee, Jung Sik Kim, Hong Kim, Seung Koo Woo
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Keimyung University School of Medicine.
  Published online: January 1, 2001.
PURPOSE: To compare pre- and postnatal sonographic findings of ovarian cysts in neonates and to present a'daughter cyst' sign for uncomplicated ovarian cysts. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study group consisted of six cases of neonatal ovarian cysts which were evaluated by both prenata (mean, IUP 36 weeks+3 days) and postnatal(mean, 2 days after birth) ultrasound studies. Tw oovarian cysts were confirmed by surgery and the remaining four were clinically diagnosed. Postnatal sonography was prospectively evaluated and prenatal ultrasound scans were retrospectively evaluated. The size, contents, and wall thickness of the cyst were evaluated. We also analyzed presence or absence of a'daughter cyst' , defined as a small cyst surrounded by a complete wall, protruding into the cyst lumen or along the cyst wall. Pathologic correlation of the daughter cyst was performed in two cases. RESULTS: The mean sizes of the ovarian cysts were 59.6 x 46.1 mm on prenatal and 73.0 x 49.2 mm on postnatal studies. Five were anechoic and thin walled cysts on both pre- and postnatal studies. One case revealed debris in the cyst lumen on prenatal study but was completely involuted on postnatal study. All six were unilocular in shape. The 'daughter cyst' sign was seen in two on prenatal and in four (80%) on postnatal studies. The 'daughter cyst' on sonography was corresponded to a follicle on pathology. CONCLUSION: The 'daughter cyst' sign appeared to be helpful for the diagnosis of neonatal ovarian cyst on both pre- and postnatal ultrasound studies.
Keywords: Ultrasound (US); Ovarian cyst Fetus; Ultrasound Fetus; Genitourinary system
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