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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1998;17(3): 261-265.
Ultrasonographic Findings of Breast Fibroadenoma; Focusing on Atypical Findings.
Ryang Kwon, Ho Chul Lee, Nariya Cho, Eun Kyung Kim, Hong Joo Son, Ki Keun Oh, Woo Hee Jung
1Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Yonsei University, College of Medicine, Korea.
2Department of Pathology, Yonsei University, College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea.
  Published online: January 1, 2001.
PURPOSE: Recently, atypical fibroadenomas of breast were frequently detected on ultrasonography. However, the sonographic features of atypical fibroadenoma are similar to breast carcinoma. The authors studied the sonographic appearnace of atypical fibroadenoma and tried to uncover the differential diagnosis points between atypical fibroademona and breast cancers. MATERIALS & METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed sonographic findings including internal echo patterns, marginal appearance, boundary thickness, posterior echo appearance, and bilateral Shadowing in 94 aptients(mean age :38.3 years) whith pathologically proven fibroadenoma. RESULTS: Sonographic findings of fibroadenomas are isoechoic internal echo pattern(62.8%), oval shaped tumor margin(62.8%),thin boundary(85.1%) and posterior echo enhancement(96.8%). But atypical fibroadenomas showed heterogeneous internal echogenecity (28.7%), irregular tumor margin(35.3%), thick boundary(14%) and posterior echo echancement mimicking sonographic findings of breast carcinoma(3.2%). CONCLUSION: For differentiation of atypical fibroadenoma and malignant masses, an objective sonographic criteria and development with training of sonographic techniques are needed.
Keywords: Frbroadenoma; Brreast neoplasms, US
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