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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1997;16(3): 229-232.
Pelvic Abnormalities Detected by US without Bladder Filling: Prevalence and Clinical Significance.
Young Choon kim, Dae Young Yoon, Sang Joe Lee, Ho Chul Kim, Jeong Geun Yi, Chul Sun Choi, Sang Hoon Bae
Department of Radiology, Hallym University College of Medicine, Korea.
  Published online: January 1, 2001.
PURPOSE: To determine the prevalence of abnormal findings at pelvic ultrasonography (US) without bladder filling and to evaluate their clinical significance. MATERIALS & METHODS: We prospectively studied 902 women with pelvic US. The included groups were 320 asymptomatic populations for periodic health service and 582 patients who were judged to require abdominal US. In each patient, additional scanning of pelvis without bladder filling was done immediately after abdominal US. We assessed the detected abnormal US findings, recommendations for further study, and outcomes of patients. RESULTS: The pelvic US provided abnormal findings in 61 cases(6.8%). There were positive findings in 48(8.2%) of 582 symptomatic patients, and 13(4.1%) of 320 asymptomatic populations. This difference was statistically significant (p < .05). In 61 cases with abnormal findings, further imaging studies (40), other diagnostic studies (15), consultations to other department (37), and clinical follow-up(14) were performed. In these cases, further studies confirmed benignancy or stability in 62%(38/61), and only 38%(23/61) were clinically significant. CONCLUSION: The pelvic US without bladder filling provided abnormal findings in 6.8%(8.2% in symptomatic patients and 4.1% in asymptomatic populations). Clinically significant abnormal findings were uncommon, but this method may be useful in conjunction with abdominal US.
Keywords: Pelvis. US
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