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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1997;16(2): 117-123.
Diagnostic Value of Sonography on Clonorchiasis.
Chang Wook Lee, Hyeon Kyeong Lee
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Dongguk University College of Medicine, Korea.
  Published online: January 1, 2001.
PURPOSE: To evaluate the diagnostic values of sonography in clonorchiasis. MATERIALS & METHODS: In May of 1996 sonography, skin test, and stool examination (gold standard) were performed in 471 volunteers of Pohang, a well-known endemic area. Two major sonographic findings were graded. When the intrahepatic duct dilatation (IHDD) was slight and regional, it was classified as grade I : considerable but regional, grade ll, not regional, grade lll. When the increased periductal echogenicity (PDE) was regional and was thinner than the radius of the portal vein accompanying it, it was classified as grade I : regional but thicker than that, grade ll : not regional, grade lll. RESULTS: The positive rates of stool examination, of skin test, of IHDD and of PDE were 24.2%, 52.7%, 43.1%, and 26.3%, individually. The sensitivity and the specificity of IHDD were 62.3% and 63.0%(grade ll or higher, 30.0% and 83.4%: grade lll, 7 1% and 98.3%). Those of PDE were 40.4% and 78.2% (grade ll or higher, 18.4% and 93.8%; grade lll, 1.8% and 99.7%). Those of skin test were 82.4% and 56.8%. CONCLUS10N : Abdominal sonography was more specific but less sensitive than skin test. The specificity of sonography increased as its grade increased.
Keywords: Bile ducts. US; Bile ducts. dilatation; Bile ducts. parasite
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