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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1997;16(1): 65-69.
Tuberculosis of the Thyroid Gland: US and CT Findings.
Byung Chul Kang, Ki Whang Kim, Hee Soo Kim, Ki Joon Sung, Mi Yeon Song
1Department of Diagnostic Radiology, College of Medicine, Yonsei University, Korea.
2Deartment of Pathology, College of Medicine, Wonju University, Korea.
  Published online: January 1, 2001.
PURPOSE: To report the ultrasonographic and CT findings of the thyroid tuberculosis. MATERIALS & METHODS: With 2 ultrasonographic and 2 CT films of 3 cases of the thyroid tuberculosis, we evaluate the ultrasonographic and CT findings to correlate the pathologic findings. RESULTS: They are demonstrated as heterogeneous hypoechoic mass on ultrasonogram and peripheral enhancing low density abscess on CT scan. CONCLUSION: US and CT can help the diagnosis of the thyroid tuberculosis.
Keywords: Thyroid. tuberculosis; Thyroid. CT; Thyroid. Ultrasonography
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