Unraveling distinctions between contrast-enhanced ultrasound and CT/MRI for liver mass diagnosis
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Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) offers a distinctive approach to liver mass diagnosis by utilizing intravenous contrast agents for enhanced visualization of vascular structures and tissue characterization. This review highlights the unique advantages of CEUS compared to computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), particularly focusing on the Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System framework. Key differences include CEUS’s realtime imaging capability, which minimizes arterial phase mistiming and improves detection of hyperenhancing lesions, and its ability to provide detailed washout patterns. Also, CEUS's intravascular nature and lower risk of adverse reactions make it a safer alternative for patients with renal impairment or those contraindicated for CT/MRI.
Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) is a specialized ultrasound technique that utilizes intravenous contrast agents to improve the visualization of blood flow and tissues [1,2]. CEUS is commonly used for liver lesion characterization and diagnosis. The Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System (LI-RADS), a framework developed by the American College of Radiology (ACR), standardizes the reporting and interpretation of liver lesions based on the likelihood of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) in patients at high risk including those with cirrhosis from any cause, chronic hepatitis B infection, and those with a history of HCC. This system seeks to provide consistent terminology and criteria for lesion characterization, improving communication and understanding among radiologists and clinician [3,4]. LI-RADS has been described for different modalities including CEUS, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) [4].
Although arterial phase hyperenhancement (APHE) and washout are considered major features for diagnosing HCC across all three modalities, there are substantial differences in their approach due to the specific imaging technique and characteristics of the contrast agents. For instance, CEUS enables a real-time imaging reducing the possibility of arterial phase mistiming, which can potentially improve the detection of arterial phase hyperenhancing lesions. This real-time capability also helps avoiding confusion with vascular pseudolesions, such as arterioportal shunts, that are often seen on CT and MRI. Additionally, the intravascular nature of CEUS microbubble agents allows for a more detailed characterization of washout patterns, evaluating their onset and degree rather than simply their presence. Furthermore, CEUS offers a safer alternative, with microbubble agents having minimal known adverse reactions and no risk of renal toxicity [5-7].
In this review, we highlight the differential characteristics and unique advantages of CEUS, particularly in differentiating between the CEUS LI-RADS and CT/MRI LI-RADS systems.
CEUS Microbubble Contrast Agents
Microbubble contrast agents consist of gas-filled biodegradable microspheres (typically inert gases like perfluorocarbon or sulfur hexafluoride) stabilized by a lipid or protein shell. These measure 3-5 µm in diameter, and have a very short half-life, typically lasting only several minutes. Due to their larger size compared with CT or MR contrast agents, microbubbles are confined to the intravascular space and cannot pass through the vascular endothelium into the interstitial space (Fig. 1) [7-9]. Although blood pool contrast agents are the most commonly used, a specific agent—perfluorobutane (Sonazoid, Daiichi-Sankyo, Tokyo, Japan)—enables the evaluation of microbubble phagocytosis by the reticuloendothelial system (RES), in addition to assessing the vascular phase [10]. While CEUS LI-RADS currently does not account for CEUS using perfluorobutane, it is now recognized that RES phagocytosis contributes to liver and spleen enhancement, even with blood pool contrast agents [11].
The gas within the microbubbles is eliminated from the body via respiration, while their phospholipid-based shell is metabolized within the body's lipid pool. Since these do not have renal excretion, they are safe for patients with renal failure or those at risk of contrast-induced nephropathy. With very low rates of adverse reactions, they are also suitable for patients who cannot tolerate CT/MRI contrast agents [9,12,13].
The ability to perform repeated injections at the same examination as well as to employ the destruction-replenishment technique is a distinctive feature of CEUS, allowing for a more comprehensive assessment of APHE patterns. This capability is particularly valuable for evaluating complex lesions where initial imaging may not provide a complete diagnostic picture, as well as for reducing failed examinations due to timing issues or breathing artifacts [2].
Differences between CEUS LI-RADS and CT/MRI System
Arterial Phase Hyperenhancement
APHE is defined as increased enhancement within a lesion when compared to the background liver parenchyma during the arterial phase (approximately 10-20 to 30-45 seconds after the injection of contrast). This is indicative of increased hepatic arterial vascularity and is a key diagnostic feature in evaluating various focal liver lesions. Regardless of the imaging modality, APHE is a major feature for the diagnosis of HCC that must be present to categorize a nodule as LI-RAD 5. CEUS provides continuous real-time imaging, unlike CT or MRI, allowing for the dynamic assessment of lesions and improving the assessment of APHE [2,4,14-16].
This is of particular value for the characterization of indeterminate hypervascular lesions on CT or MRI, such as flash filling or small hemangiomas (Fig. 2), and pseudolesions such as arterioportal shunts [7,9]. For instance, small or rapidly filling hemangiomas may appear as arterial phase hyper or hypoenhancing nodules on CT and MRI without showing the typical discontinuous, peripheral, nodular enhancement, leading to their categorization as LR-3, LR-4, or, less frequently, LR-M. However, with real-time capability of CEUS, the pattern of enhancement can be evaluated in greater detail, confirming the diagnosis of hemangioma and allowing the lesion to be downgraded to LR-1. Similarly, arterioportal shunts, which are common in cirrhotic livers, may have nodular appearance on CT and MRI being potentially miscategorized as LR-3 or LR-4; these are usually not visualized on CEUS, along with the absence of true nodule on grayscale confidently excluding the presence of hypervascular nodules [17,18].
Furthermore, the presence of APHE alone on CEUS in a true nodule on grayscale has higher specificity for HCC compared with CT or MRI [19]. Consequently, the CEUS LR-3 category typically includes a higher rate of HCC compared to its CT/MRI counterpart since CEUS is predominantly performed on genuine nodules, often larger than 10 mm, which inherently pose a significant risk of HCC [20,21]. Jang et al. [22] described a sensitivity of 87% with a specificity of 100% of APHE alone without the imaging features of hemangioma, in their study including 59 nodules smaller than 2 cm in patients with high risk of HCC. Giorgio et al. [23] reported the same specificity (100%) for diagnosing HCC based on APHE alone, in 199/229 new hepatic nodules (measuring 7-20 mm) detected in patients with cirrhosis on surveillance [22,23].
CEUS may also act as a problem-solving tool for liver observations without APHE on CT and MRI categorized as LR-3 and LR-4 (Fig. 3) due to arterial phase mistiming on CT and MRI. Additionally, it may depict subtle APHE nodules not discernible on CT or MRI, allowing an early diagnosis. CEUS has an inherent superior sensitivity for the detection of arterial hypervascularity partly due to the subtraction effect, where contrast mode only reflects signals from microbubbles, suppressing the background tissue signal. In contrast, CT and MRI still reflect the attenuation or signal intensity of the background parenchyma [14,20]. Many studies have consistently supported this superior sensitivity of CEUS in the depiction of APHE. For example, a study by Kang et al. [24], including 43 observations without APHE on CT/MRI, found that 27.9% demonstrated APHE on CEUS, all subsequently confirmed HCC. A study by Bolondi et al. [25] showed that CEUS offers a higher sensitivity for the detection of APHE in HCC compared to CT (88% vs. 77%, respectively). Maruyama et al. [26] found that CEUS identified APHE in seven out of 27 indeterminate hepatic nodules not showing APHE on CT, all of which were later confirmed as HCC. Takahashi et al. [27] also reported higher sensitivity of APHE for well-defined HCC on CEUS (59.3%) versus MRI (46.3%). Quaia et al. [28] whose study compared the sensitivity of CT alone versus CT combined with CEUS for HCC detection, demonstrated a significant improvement from 71%-74% to 97%, respectively.
Washout Patterns
Washout refers to the echo intensity of contrast agent within a lesion becomes lower compared to the surrounding liver parenchyma, making it appear darker (hypoechoic). This is another major feature for HCC in both CEUS and CT/MR LI-RADS and mostly concordant across the modalities in HCC. However, its assessment significantly differs between CEUS and CT/MRI in non-HCC malignancy, and the reasons are twofold [18].
Firstly, the discrepancy in washout arises from the difference in properties of contrast agents [6,16,29]: Contrast agents in US remain intravascular, therefore nearly all malignant tumors consistently exhibit washout on CEUS, except for some cases of well-differentiated HCC. On the other hand, CT and MRI contrast agents can permeate through the vascular endothelium into the interstitial space, which may result in persistent/progressive enhancement, especially in non-HCC malignancies with high vascular permeability and large volume of interstitial space (Fig. 4).
Secondly, as a real-time imaging modality with high sensitivity to detect vascularity, CEUS mostly depicts even brief or weak arterial hypervascularity of non-HCC malignancy including those categorized as "hypovascular" on CT and MRI. On CEUS, not the mere presence or absence of washout, but determining the timing (early or late) and degree (mild versus marked) of washout is essential for distinguishing between HCC and non-HCC malignancies, thereby defining CEUS LR-M category. In LI-RADS CEUS, washout starting before 60 seconds post-injection is defined as "early" as opposed to "late", and the distinction between "marked" and "mild" washout is based on how pronounced the intralesional decrease of enhancement is; In marked washout the lesion becomes virtually devoid of contrast before 2 minutes after injection, while in mild washout there is some degree of persistent contrast enhancement at least for 2 minutes [7,30-36].
It is worth highlighting that CEUS can also significantly enhance the visualization of small, subtle or isoechoic lesions, difficult to detect on conventional ultrasound. Hepatic malignancies almost always show washout in the late phase on CEUS, which can be targeted for percutaneous real-time CEUS-guided biopsy (Fig. 5). Therefore, CEUS-guided biopsy can be an excellent tool for sampling these small isoechoic lesions [21].
It is important to keep in mind that hemangiomas may show slight washout in the late phase of CEUS (typically longer than 3 minutes after contrast injection) due to the uptake of microbubble contrast agents by RES in the normal liver parenchyma (Fig. 6), while washout is rare in hemangiomas on CT and MRI. Mild washout of hemangiomas on CEUS appears in the late phase because hemangiomas do not have RES activity [11]. In these cases, it is critical to assess characteristic arterial phase enhancement pattern for diagnosing hemangiomas.
LI-RADS M Category
The differentiation between mass-forming intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (ICC) and HCC holds significant clinical implications as treatment strategies greatly diverge [31-33]. LR-M category refers to a definite or probable malignancy, not specific for HCC, and its criteria are different according to the imaging modality. CEUS LR-M criteria include rim-APHE, early- (before 60 seconds), or marked washout (visible within the first 2 minutes after the injection). In CT/MRI LR-M, there are various features to consider including targetoid morphology, infiltrative appearance, the presence of necrosis or severe ischemia, and marked diffusion restriction (Table 1). When LR-M category is assigned, histologic diagnosis is always recommended [4,7,9].
On CEUS, late and mild washout is typically observed in HCC, while early and marked washout is more indicative of non-HCC malignancies such as metastases, ICC, or combined HCC-ICC [1,7,34]. In contrast, the washout pattern on CT/MRI can be altered by the high vascular permeability in some lesions with fibrosis and desmoplastic reaction such as ICC, where contrast agents tend to accumulate within the extracellular interstitial space, often resulting in progressive enhancement during the delayed phase rather than washout (Fig. 7).
Li et al. [35] demonstrated that using a washout time cut-off of less than 43 seconds on CEUS for lesions smaller than 5 cm, achieved a sensitivity of 64% and specificity of 97% for diagnosing ICC, among 273 ICC and 546 HCC lesions. However, Han et al. [36] showcased an improved sensitivity of 100% with 85% specificity by applying current LR-M with cut-off washout time of less than 60 seconds in their study including 56 ICC and 184 HCC lesions. Later, Terzi et al. [37] validated these findings in a significantly larger study including 1,006 hepatic nodules, including 40 ICC lesions; They observed that 31 of 40 ICC lesions were classified as LR-M, with none classified as LR-5, indicating the robustness of current CEUS LR-M criteria aiming for high sensitivity and positive predictive value for non-HCC malignancy. On the other hand, it is worth noting that in 48% of the cases classified as LR-M the final diagnosis was HCC.
Final Considerations
CEUS is a valuable imaging modality for patients with contraindications to CT or MRI, such as allergies to iodinated or gadolinium-based contrast agents, renal dysfunction, or conditions like claustrophobia or immobility. CEUS is a safer option because it does not utilize ionizing radiation. Additionally, CEUS can be performed without the need for sedation or screening for metallic objects, which is required for MRI, thus offering a practical solution for patients who cannot undergo CT or MRI (Fig. 8) [14,20].
CEUS within LI-RADS offers distinct advantages over CT/MRI systems, primarily due to its real-time imaging capabilities, sensitivity to detect APHE, and washout characterization. CEUS allows for dynamic and repeated visualizations without the timing constraints of CT/MRI, facilitating a more precise assessment of certain lesions. Furthermore, intravascular microbubble agents are safe and suitable for patients with renal impairment or those who cannot tolerate CT/MRI contrast agents. CEUS is particularly effective in evaluating smaller lesions where CT/MRI may yield inconclusive results, thereby reducing false positives and unnecessary invasive procedures.
Author Contributions
Conceptualization: Murad V, Jang HJ, Kim TK. Data acquisition: Murad V, Kim TK. Data analysis or interpretation: Murad V. Drafting of the manuscript: Murad V, Jang HJ, Kim TK. Critical revision of the manuscript: Murad V, Jang HJ, Kim TK. Approval of the final version of the manuscript: all authors.
Tae Kyoung Kim serves as Editor for the Ultrasonography, but has no role in the decision to publish this article. All remaining authors have declared no conflicts of interest.
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Key points
Contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) provides real-time imaging, reducing arterial phase mistiming and improving the detection of hyperenhancing lesions compared to computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). CEUS is a safer alternative for patients with renal impairment or those contraindicated for CT/MRI, as it does not rely on renal excretion and has minimal adverse reactions. CEUS's intravascular nature allows for more detailed characterization of washout patterns, aiding in more accurate differentiation of liver lesions, particularly within the Liver Imaging Reporting and Data System framework.