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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1996;15(2): 181-186.
The Hemodynamics of the Portal Venous System in Malignant Biliary Obstruction : Doppler US Evaluation
Hyun Chul Rhim, Youn Soo , Byung Hee Koh, On Koo Cho, Heung Suk Seo, Chang Kok Hahm, Ho Soon Choi
Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Internal Medicine1, Hanyang University College of Medicine
PURPOSE : With Doppler ultrasound, we evaluated the hemodynamics of the portal venous systems in malignantbiliary obstruction, and the effect of biliary decompression on the portal hemodynamics after percutaneoustranshepatic biliary drainage (PTBD). MATERIAL & METHODS : Thirty-four patients with malignant biliaryobstruction, 15 normal volunteers, and 20 patients with liver cirrhosis were included. One US specialist measuredthe portal blood flow using the mean velocity and the diameter of the portal vein. In 24 patients who underwentPTBD, floolw-up Doppler US examinations were available until one (n = 24) and two (n = 10) weeks after theprocedure. RESULTS : The portal blood flow of normal control, biliary obstruction, and liver cirrhosis group were734 ± 123 ml / min, 622 ± 211 ml / min, 578 ± 248 ml / min, respectively (p < 0.05). After PTBD, the portalblood flow showed a tendency to increase : 632 ± 195 ml / min to 708 ± 208 ml / min at 1 week (p > 0.05) ; 638± 183 ml / min to 865 ± 279 ml / min at 2 weeks follow-up (p < 0.05). CONCLUSION : Doppler ultrasound evaluationrevealed that the portal blood flow in malignat biliary obstruction had a tendency to decrease than the normalcontrol. The increase of portal flow after PTBD may be understood as one of the factors of hepatic functionrestoration after biliary decompression.
Keywords: Portal Vein. Hemodynamics, Bile Duct. Obstruction, Ultrasonography. Doppler examination
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