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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1987;6(1): 91-94.
US Findings of Cystic Parathyroid Mass: 2 Cases
Young Tae Ko, jae Hoon Lim, Dong Ho Lee, Yup Yoon, Sun Wha Lee, Woo Suk Choi, and Chi Ahn
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Kyung Hee University Hospital
The authors experienced 1 case of parathyroid cyst and 1 case of cystic parathyroid adenoma confirmed by surgicopathologic examination. The results of each case were as follows: 1. 33 years old female with parathyroid cyst and 38 years old female with cystic parathyroid adenoma were represented. 2. US findings of each case were parathyroid cyst with well circumscribed anechoic mass measuring as 2.9*2.3*1.5cm in size and cystic parathyroid adenoma representing irregularly marginated and internally sepatated mass measuring as 3.3*3*1.5cm in size. 3. Aspiration of each mass under US guidance yields clear fluid in parathyroid cyst and hemorrhagic fluid in cystic parathyroid adenoma.
Keywords: parathyroid,cyst, US studies
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