1Department of Radiology, School of Medicine, Soonchunhyang University Cheonan Hospital, Korea. taloo@hanmail.net 2Department of Surgery, School of Medicine, Soonchunhyang University Cheonan Hospital, Korea. 3Ewha Womans University Mokdong Hospital Health Promotion Center, Korea.
Published online: December 31, 2013.
Most men referred for breast imaging have palpable lumps. Most lesions that are evaluated are benign, and malignancy is less common. Although there are characteristic imaging features of malignancy, substantial overlap is presented between benign and malignancy. Therefore, other imaging modalities are increasingly being used for accurate evaluation. We report on various male breast lesions using ultrasonography, mammography, computed tomography, and positron emission tomography-computed tomography. Pathognomonic histologic findings of each case are also provided.