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Journal of Korean Society of Ultrasound in Medicine 2007;26(4): 201-205.
Granulomatous Prostatitis: Gray-scale Transrectal Ultrasonography and Color Doppler Ultrasonography Findings.
Hyoung Jung Kim, Joo Won Lim, Dong Ho Lee, Young Tae Ko, Eui Jong Kim
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Kyung Hee University Medical Center, Korea. radhjkim@khu.ac.kr
  Published online: December 1, 2007.
We report here three cases of granulomatous prostatitis. All cases were confirmed by a transrectal ultrasonography (TRUS)-guided core biopsy of the prostate. Two cases received intravesical BCG therapy for a bladder tumor, and one case had no known predisposing condition. Gray-scale TRUS showed low echoic nodules in the outer gland in all cases. Color Doppler ultrasonography (CDUS) showed several dot-like blood flows within the low echoic nodules in two cases and several dot-like blood flows and short linear blood flows within the low echoic nodules in one case. Gray-scale TRUS findings of granulomatous prostatitis are similar to findings of prostate cancer. On CDUS, several dot-like blood flows or short linear blood flows were noted within the low echoic nodules in patients with granulomatous prostatitis. If low echoic nodules with dot-like or short linear blood flows are noted in patients with genitourinary tract tuberculosis or previous BCG therapy, granulomatous prostatitis should be included in the differential diagnosis. However, a prostatic biopsy is required for a final diagnosis.
Keywords: Prostate; Granulomatous prostatitis; Transrectal ultrasonography; Color Doppler ultrasonography
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