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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1999;18(2): 81-86.
Differentiation of Diffuse Liver Disease with Computer-Aided Tissue Echo Quantification.
Joo Hee Cha, Byung Ihn Choi, Eun Joo Yun, Young Hwan Ko, Chi Sung Song, Seung Hyup Kim, Joon Koo Han, Tae Kyoung Kim, Dong Hyuk Lee, Jong Hyo Kim
1Department of Radiology, Seoul National University, College of Medicine.
2Department of Radiology, Boramae Hospital.
  Published online: January 1, 2001.
PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of computer-aided tissue echo quantification technique in the differentiation of diffuse liver diseases. MATERIALS and METHODS: Sixty-five patients with chronic liver disease including chronic hepatitis in 21 patients, fatty liver in 11, and liver cirrhosis in 33, and 55 normal volunteers were included in this study. The sonographic images by the Sono-PACS (MARO, Seoul) was recalled and the analysis was done for the hepatic parenchymal coarseness by the program using Visual C++. Difference histogram variation (DHV), edge density (ED) & inertia of cooccurrence matrix (ICM) were used as the coarseness index. RESULTS: These three indexes were statistically significant (p<0.05) in the differentiation of these four groups. The accuracy of the differentiation between any two of four groups was 83.0%. The accuracy of the differentiation of these four groups was 70.8% at the same time. CONCLUSION: The computer-aided tissue echo quantification technique is a complementary study for the differentiation of diffuse liver diseases.
Keywords: Liver; Diseases; Ultrasound(US) technology; Ultrasound(US) tissue characterization
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