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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1997;16(1): 11-18.
Power Versus Color Doppler Sonography of Focal Hepatic Lesions.
Tae Kyoung Kim, Byung Ihn Choi, Joon Koo Han, Yeong Mo Kim
1Department of Radiology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University, Korea.
2Department of Research Institute, Medicine, Korea.
  Published online: January 1, 2001.
PURPOSE: To compare power Doppler ultrasound (US) with conventional color Doppler US in the depiction of the vasculature of focal hepatic lesions and to assess the role of power Doppler US in the differentiation of various focal hepatic lesions. MATERIALS & METHODS: Seventy-three focal hepatic lesions (31 hemangiomas, 21 hepatocellular carcinomas, 13 metastatic adenocarcinomas, four cholangiocarcinomas, and four abscesses in 68 patients) were prospectively evaluated with power Doppler and color Doppler US. On a case-by-case basis, we compared the amount of Doppler signal on both color and power Doppler US images and decided which modality depicted more Doppler signal within the lesion. In addition, we rated the amount of Doppler signal within each lesion as 'absent', 'moderate', 'marked' on color and power Doppler US, and classified the pattern of distribution of power Doppler signal within each lesion as 'central', 'peripheral', and 'diffuse'. RESULTS: Power Doppler US depicted more Doppler signal in 52 lesions (71%) and equal in 21 lesions(29%). In hemangiomas, a combination of 'absent' at color Doppler US and 'marked' at power Doppler US was the most common manifestation (17 of 31 lesions; 55%), and the power Doppler signals were 'diffuse' in 20 lesions (65%). In malignant lesions, the amount and the pattern of Doppler signals were variable, and the most common manifestation was 'moderate' at both color and power Doppler US and 'central' at power Doppler US (13 of 36 lesions; 36%). In abscesses, most lesions demonstrated no Doppler signal at both color and power Doppler US except minimal Doppler signals within septa in two lesions (50%). CONCLUSION: Power Doppler US is more sensitive in depicting Doppler signals within focal hepatic lesions, and is expected to help to differentiate various focal hepatic lesions.
Keywords: Liver. US; Ultrasound (US). Doppler studies
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