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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1996;15(2): 267-275.
Diagnosis of Torsion of Ovarian Tumor by Color Doppler Sonography : The Significance of Detection of theTwisted Vascular Pedicle
Eun Ju Lee, Chang Ho Lee, Hyuk Chan Kwon
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Obstetrics and Gynecology1 Ajou University College of Medicine
PURPOSE : To determine the diagnostic value for detection of twisted vascular pedicle by US in torsion of theovarian tumor and to verify whether the presence of blood flow within the vascular pedicle predicts viability ofthe adnexal structures. MATERIAL & METHODS : US and color Doppler sonography (CDS) were performed in 19 patientsin whom torsion of the ovarian tumor was confirmed histologically. We evaluated the presence of a twisted vascularpedicle in ovarian tumor by US and the presence of blood flow within the vascular pedicle on CDS. These findingswere correlated with pathologic findings obtained by surgery. RESULTS : We were able to identify a twistedvascular pedicle of ovarian tumor by US in 17 of 19 patients (89% of detectability). Pathologic findings of theadnexal structure in 10 patients with blood flow within the twisted vascular pedicle on CDS were normal (n = 5),edema (n = 2), hemorrhage (n = 2) and hemorrhagic infarction (n = 1). Hemorrhagic infarction and necrosis werepresent in 7 patients without blood flow within the pedicle. CONCLUSION : Ultrasonographic diagnosis of torsion ofan ovarian tumor may be facilitated by transvaginal sonography and color Doppler imaging, which may also be usefulin predicting viability of the adnexal structures.
Keywords: Ovary. US studies, Ovary. Neoplasms, Ovary. Torsion, US studies. Doppler
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