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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1997;16(4): 383-388.
Usefulness of Color Doppler Sonography in the Diagnosis of Scrotal Disease.
Song Mee Cho, Won Hee Jee, Bo Young Choe, Jae Young Byun, Jee Hee Baek, Soo Young Kim, Hye Seong Park, Tae An Kwon, Kyung Sub Shinn
Department of Diagnostic Radiology, Catholic University Medical College, Korea.
  Published online: January 1, 2001.
PURPOSE: To evaluate usefulness of color Doppler sonography of inflammatory scrotal disease. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-nine consecutive patients with scrotal pathology for the last two years were retropectively evaluated with color Doppler sonography. Scrotal vascularity and resistive index (RI) of intrascrotal artery were analyzed. Normal control subjects were healthy volunteers. RESULTS: Twenty-four patients with epididymitis (n=28 cases) and epididymoorchitis (n=11) showed increased color flow in the epididymis and testis with decreased RI of intrascrotal artery (RI<0.7 in epididymis, RI<0.5 in testis). The RIs of the testicular artery in epididymoorchitis were significantly lower than those in normal control subjects and in epididymitis (p<0.001) while the RIs of the testicular artery in epididymitis and control subjects were similar(p> 0.5). One patient with epididymoorchitis had associated testicular microlithiasis. CONCLUSION: Color Doppler sonography with spectral analysis could be an useful method in the diagnosis of various scrotal diseases.
Keywords: Color Doppler Ultrasonography Testis; resistive index
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