Accurate staging of gastric cancer is imperative in the planning of treatment, assessing surgical resectability and prognosis. Forty patients with gastric carci noma underwent preoperative staging with ultrasongraphy. Ultrasonogram was analysed in terms o ftumor localization, direct invasion onto the adjacent organs and lymphnode enlargement without knowing the stage of cancer. The criterion of the primary tumor was gastric wall thickening over 6mm; criterion of direct invasion was loss of fat plane in between the tumor and adjacent organs, criterion o flymphnode metastasis was demonstration of enlarged lymphnodes over 10mm, Accuracy of ultrasonography was 97% in the diagnosis of primary tumor, 75% in the diagnosis of direct invasion onto the adjacent organs, and 88% in the diagnosis of lymphnode enlargement, respectively. In conclusion, ultrasonograpy is valuable in th detection of the primary tumor and relatively valuable in the evaluation of enlarged lymphnodes but unreliable in the evaluation of enlarged lymphnodes but unreliable in the evaluation of direct invasion onto the adjacent organs.