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Journal of Korean Society of Medical Ultrasound 1990;9(1): 74-77.
Sonographic finding of scalp mass
Jong Moon Lee
Fifteen scalp masses consisting of five benign and ten malignant tumors were studied with ultrasound to evaluate its diagnostic role in scalp masses. Benign mass showed homogeneous echo pattem with wmooth margin, Hand-Schuller-Christian disease(n=1) demonstrated solid mass in the diploic space eroding the outer table. The most of malignant tumors(9 of 10 cases) showed irregular margin, inhomogeneous echotexture, bone destruction, and intracranial extension. Dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans(n=1) revaled well defined hypoechoic solid mass with internal linear echoes. Ultrasonography considered as an initial noninvasive inaging modality for the evaluation of scalp masses.
Keywords: Soft tissues,US
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