Department of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, Hanyang University, Seoul133-00, Korea
The cardinal feature of intestinal obstruction is the intraluminal fluid accumulation within the bowelsegments. The presence of air simply makes it easier to find dilated fluid-filled bowel loop on plain radiographicfilms. Distended fluid-filed loop, however, may be obscure on X-ray film when gas is absent, secondary tovomiting, or to cessation of air swallowing. furthermore, in closed loop obstruction, air cannot enter theinvolved bowel, and thereby in this situation gray scale ultrasonography may be a useful device in making a rapiddiagnosis. By sonographic confirmations of intestinal obstruction, atonic, fluid-filled bowel loops usually wererevealed as multiple, circular or cylindrical cystic structures with a finely irregular wall. Valvulae conniventesexhibit a characteristic key-board appearance when they project into the fluid-filled lumen.